Family and Marriage Counseling in Marietta, GA

People from all walks of life seek therapy and counseling to improve themselves, find happiness and overcome mental health issues. In some cases, these people seek to build stronger relationships with their spouses and family. Family and marriage counselors are licensed professionals who provide therapy services to individuals, couples and families.
Seeing a marriage and family counselor doesn't indicate a medical condition or problem, but many people simply enjoy the benefit of increased communication.
Request more information about family and marriage therapy today: Call (770) 674-6311 or contact Dr. Gail Ravello online.
What is Family and Marriage Counseling?
Family and marriage counseling is most often performed by medically licensed marriage and family therapists, sometimes referred to as MFTs. These therapists are specially trained and equipped to deal with the mental and emotional health of all members of a family, from children to adults.
Licensed marriage and family therapists provide a variety of services and are one of the five major mental health professionals, along with:
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Social workers
- Therapists
Marriage and family therapists typically work closely with the mental health professionals listed above, while striving to make their services affordable to the average family.
Marriage and family counseling sessions can be done solo (with one participant) or as a group (with two or more participants). Some marriage and family counselors maintain a private practice, while others function as a part of a medical group, community organization or hospital.
How Does Family and Marriage Counseling Work?
No two marriage and family therapists are the same, and their methods may vary greatly. One common thread is the use of therapy, or targeted communications and discussions. Within these discussions, many different activities and exercises can be used.
Some common types of family and marriage counseling include:
- Solo therapy
- Group therapy
- Couples' therapy
- Child therapy
- Pre-marriage counseling
- Life coaching
- Goal-setting
- Role-playing
- Communication building
- Grief coping
- Chronic illness management
Most marriage and family counselors seek to correct underlying mental health issues within their patients, whether they are individuals, families, couples or children. Some of the issues commonly treated by marriage and family therapists include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Substance abuse
- Alcoholism
- Juvenile delinquency and behavioral issues
- Relationship issues
- Marriage dysfunction
- Mental sexual health problems
- Domestic violence
Seeing a marriage and family counselor does not necessarily indicate that a person or family is dealing with the serious issues listed above. Many families use marriage and family counseling to create a "safe space" for communication and relationship-strengthening with a medical professional.
Request Counseling Information Today
Whether your family is suffering from medical issues or just seeking increased closeness, marriage and family counseling may be the solution you need. Request more information about marriage and family therapists today: Call (770) 674-6311 or contact Dr. Gail Ravello online today.
Natural Medical Solutions Wellness Center
1130 Upper Hembree Rd.Roswell, GA 30076
(770) 674-6311
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm