Handwriting Analysis in Ridgewood, NJ

Handwriting analysis, also called, Graphology is the science-and art-of deducing the personality, context, truthfulness and mental state of an author and their written work. By analyzing the various nuances in handwriting, graphology has been used in court trials, by healthcare professionals, in business deals, by government agencies, and in numerous other areas.
History of Handwriting Analysis and Graphology
Despite some less-than-reputable offshoots and attempts in the United States during the 1950’s, handwriting analysis took a different approach in Europe. Graphology evolved with the field of psychology in Europe. Even Carl Jung (the creator of modern personality types) and Sigmund Freud (the father of modern psychoanalytic theory), both pioneering titans of psychology, took great stock in the field.
The scientifically flimsily “practices” in the 1950’s called graphoanalysis gave handwriting analysis a bad name. Many tried to derive medical diagnoses from the shape of letters with little to no relevant connection to conditions, including everything from liver problems to heart issues. Graphology, on the other hand, has advanced by way of careful empirical evidence, testing and retesting to ensure the accuracy and validity of its claims.
Over time, graphoanalysis faded, whereas handwriting analysis/graphology is now considered a science. Handwriting analysis is as valued a tool as ever, used by countless mental health and other professionals.
How Does Handwriting Analysis Work?
Graphology looks for predictable patterns in the handwritten work of others. Backed up by empirical evidence, several handwriting traits have been found to be accurate predictors and measurements of psychological issues. These traits or characteristics allow trained graphologists (and trained psychologists, business people, general physicians and so on) to deduce mental and emotional states of writers, even if suppressed (a lie for instance). Things like elongated spaces between words, the alignment of text, the angle of slant of letters, and the size of handwriting all have their place in ascertaining the emotions of a writer. Some physicians get trained in handwriting analysis specifically to weed out drug seeking behavior, like those hooked on painkillers. Handwriting on intake forms can reveal much more than the location of pain and insurance provider.
Some might claim that handwriting is merely a result of hand-eye coordination. However, in those who’ve had paralysis or severe injury of the hands, it was found that-over time-their new way of writing mimicked their old style of writing. Many with severe injuries that inhibit writing with the hands use their feet or their mouths instead. This proves that handwriting is more than just hand-eye coordination. The brain wants writing to look a certain way and will make it look as such with any part of the body.
Putting Handwriting Analysis into Practice
Some of the most common, observable traits-according to renowned graphologist Andrea McNichol-include:
Right slant: Regardless of whether you’re right or left-handed, the vast majority of people write with a rightward leaning slant to their letters. This indicates a general willingness to express emotions. The greater the slant, the greater the openness. A rightward slant that is too pronounced may be a sign of trouble; the individual may be out of touch with logic, on the verge of hysteria.
Vertical letters: Some people write with nearly vertical letters, evidence suggests that these people tend to be ruled by cold logic.
Left slant: Writing with a left slant, on the other hand, is often observed in the emotionally withdrawn. These people can range from mildly introverted or introspective to those completely incapable of showing emotion. There is also strong evidence to suggest that those with a left slant tend to be self-centered.
Changing slants: A change in slant is a very useful tool for detecting a withholding (non-truthful) response in written work of typically right slanted writers. This is why police often collect a written statement at the scene of crimes. However, if there are a considerable amount of slant changes in one piece of writing (left-to-right, right-to-left) it may signal emotional instability of the writer.
Sinuous stroke: Almost looking like a heartbeat on an EKG or a wave drawn by a grade school child, the sinus stroke is when letters are all connected, resemble a wave (different from cursive writing). This style of writing has been found typical of those with devious intentions. They may spin truths to suit their own agenda.
Spacing: Exaggerated spaces between words indicate a pause/ hesitation in the writers mind. The flow of their handwriting is broken with an abrupt mental stop. This usually happens when the writer is creating an answer, as in the case of a lie.
Signature scoring: Signature scoring is when part of a signature “crosses off” or goes through another part of the signature. This scoring obstructs a name. If the scoring is through the first name, it typically displays a hidden propensity toward self-destruction. However, if scoring is through the last name, it typically signifies family issues/ marriage discontent.
Declining signature size: The declining size of someone’s signature overtime, epically the capital letters, typically indicates depression and a lowering of self-worth. According to McNichol, both former President Richard Nixon and French political and military leader Napoleon Bonaparte had signatures that shrank as negative public opinion about them grew.
Declining letter size: If the size of letters in writing becomes smaller as the individual line/piece of writing continues, this is an indicator of high IQ and that the writer is establishing mental connections. The inverse is also true if the letters grow as you read through a piece of writing, it’s is an example of a low IQ.
“Maniac d”: A maniac “d” is a lower case “d” at the end of a word with a slant that extends far to the right. The far rightward slant exhibited in only a lowercase “d” is indicative of loss of mental control and that the writer is prone to intense emotional outbursts. The “Maniac d”-referring to maniacal behavior-has been observed in the writing of many of the most gruesome murderers.
Size of writing: Most people fall into an average size of writing. However if the writing is large (as seen exhibited by actors, sales professionals, politicians), it indicates an extroverted, large-scale planner. Extra-large writing showcases a cry for attention. Small writing on the other hand, is typically seen in introverts and deep thinkers (scientists, composers, authors, physicists). Overly small (microscopic) sized writing-if legible-is usually the sign of a very deep thinker, if illegible, someone who is emotionally disturbed.
Left margin: Margins in handwriting analysis play a key role too. Sticking closely to the left margin has been found to indicate someone who is courteous and respectful of rules. Those who frequently cross the left margin are typically ruled breakers. This trait has been observed, time and time again, in convicted felons.
Right margin: People who maintain space in their right margin are observed to have outstanding judgment and ability to plan ahead. People who hug the right margin are incredibly driven and goal oriented.
Lower zone length: The lower part/ tail of letters like “y” and “g” extend into an area called the lower zone. The more elongated the tails of letters in, the lower zone, the more restless the writer.
Highly illegible: If handwriting is very illegible, it’s said that the writer has inner discontent manifesting as inconsideration for the reader.
These are only a handful of the reliable characteristics graphologists analyze when deducing an author’s mental state.
Using Handwriting Analysis
It’s been said that a trained graphologist can accurately determine your country of origin, emotional state/stability, the level of intelligence, talents, leadership qualities, honesty, deceit, physical activity level, performance in work or school and the use of drugs just by analyzing your writing. It’s safe to say then, that handwriting analysis lends itself rather perfectly to many fields.
Graphology has been used in business to ensure the reliability/truthfulness of new hires and possible investments. It’s been used in medicine to determine a person’s mental state and weed out drug seeking behavior. It’s also been used in criminal investigations and trials to identify murders. Many even seek out graphologists to get a better understanding of themselves. People subject their handwriting to analysis, hoping to uncover emotions, thoughts, and tendencies that may be holding them back. Traits exhibited in handwriting are largely subconscious.
The field of handwriting analysis/ graphology has helped many uncover the hidden intent of written works and their authors. It may help you uncover some secrets of your own. But if you’re like many who feel squeamish about people analyzing your handwriting, send an email instead.
Request more information about handwriting analysis today. Call (201) 806-6099 or contact Medwell Orthopedics & Functional Medicine for Men & Women online.
Medwell Orthopedics & Functional Medicine for Men & Women
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